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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Philips LFH 320 Voice Recorder

Philips LFH 0320 Dictaphone
Philips LFH 0320 Dictaphone
photo © Roger via the AJB Forum
photo © Danjaq, United Artists
Milos Columbo (Chaim Topol) holding the Philips LFH 0320 dictaphone in For Your Eyes Only
photo © Danjaq, United Artists

photo © Roger via the AJB Forum
Philips LFH 0320 Dictaphone and a Philips LFH 0195 (seen in the same film) side by side
photo © Roger via the AJB Forum

photo © Danjaq, United Artists
The Philips LFH 320 Dictaphone is placed in a desktop docking station.
photo © Danjaq, United Artists

Milos Columbo (Chaim Topol) uses a Philips LFH 320 dictaphone in For Your Eyes Only (1981).

First, a Philips LFH195 voice recorder, hidden in a restaurant table candle light, is used by Columbo to record the conversation between James Bond (Roger Moore) and Aris Kristatos (Julian Glover) in his restaurant.

Later, when Bond is captured and taken to Columbo's yacht, Milos Columbo holds the Philips LFH 0320 dictaphone in one hand (eating pistachio nuts with the other) and plays the recording of James Bond's conversation with Aris Kristatos.

For years, it was not known which recorder this was, but thanks to an eBay find by Bond fan Roger, as posted on the AJB forum, we now know that the recorder is a Philips LFH 0320 dictaphone / voice recorder / pocket memo.

Although the dictaphone in the film looks white plastic, the material is actually aluminum. Above the cassette window there's a black Philips logo and number 320 in red text.

Another interesting observation by Roger is that Milos Columbo actually puts the Philips device back into some sort of desktop charging or docking station.

This particular LFH 320 voice recorder is very hard to find, it seems to be much more rare than the LFH 0195 or some other Philips Bond products. But you can always try to find it on eBay.

The 1970s and 1980s Bond movies were full of Philips products, see an overview here.

Another prominent item on Milos Columbo desk is the white Flos Biagio table lamp (with thanks to Robert Scheidemann for that ID), designed by Italian designer Tobia Scarpa in 1968.

With thanks to Roger for the discovery and photos

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Summer Essentials 2024

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