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Olin Mark VI
One of the few prominent product placements in the 1981 movie For Your Eyes Only are the Olin Mark VI skis, that Bond uses in a thrilling downhill winter chase in Cortina, Italy. The skis are first seen mounted on the back of the copper metallic Lotus Esprit. Then Bond carries them up, puts 'm on his feet, and starts his downhill trip on a ski-jump, apparently not bothered by the fact that these are not jumping skis.
The OLIN MARK VI Comp DH that have been used in the famous chase in the bobtrack in Cortina are now in the possession of BondToys ( The skis have been used by John Eaves, the stunt-double for Roger Moore.
In the spectacular opening scene of A View to a Kill, Roger Moore uses another pair of Olin skis, which have Olin Racing written at the bottom. The skis can be spotted when Bond, in a white Bogner outfit, locates 003's corpse with an Autophon VS68 transceiver and recovers the microchip.
Hi - I would like to point out that these skis were never used in the bond film FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. As the UK importer of Olin Skis I supplied the 4 pairs of OLIN Mark VI skis to Eon Productions for the film. They were 200/03 - Jnnnnn - I have 1 pair (Roger Moore's) and all 4 were the same - 2 we clean for close up shots and the other 2 were for John Eaves (Olin Contracted skier) and our pair (Rogers).
No way would they use a pair of 222 DH skis for close action shots where speed would have hindered
Let the buyer beware
Well, I am taking all this "Info" with a grain of salt, especially, if the "source" is not even capable to count up to 5:
2 pairs for the Lotus + 2 pairs for Johne Eaves + 1 pair for RM is 5 pairs in my books ;)
I have written and spoken confirmation from John Eaves in person (!!) that he's used these skis in the action scenes and I would have appreciated, if "peter" would have contacted me prior he spreads such libel on the net.
On a more general apporoach:
The fact, that the UK importer supplied certain skis for a film production does not necessarily mean, that the stunt double really used these particular scenes when shooting. I am sure, that John (who was under contract with Olin USA) rehearsed these scenes prior with other skis but I'll ask him all this.
A skier myself, 2 general remarks:
I don't think, that 22 extra cms make such a difference in speed in a bob track or a ski jump and if I was to run down a bob trck on skis, I would be more concerned about stability than speed. The 222 certainly offer the maximum of stability, especially if you compare them to 200 skis.
"As the UK importer of Olin Skis I supplied the 4 pairs of OLIN Mark VI skis to Eon Productions for the film. They were 200/03 - Jnnnnn - I have 1 pair (Roger Moore's) and all 4 were the same - 2 we clean for close up shots and the other 2 were for John Eaves (Olin Contracted skier) and our pair (Rogers)."
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