Missoni striped sweater
Missoni striped sweater
Q (Ben Whishaw) wears a Missoni striped sweater in SPECTRE.
Q wears the sweater in Austria when meeting Bond at the Höffler Klinik.
The price of this sweater from the 2014 collection was around $1200, but is currently hard to find.
With the sweater, Q wears Clarks Nanu Rise GTX shoes and he carries a Barbour Land Rover briefcase bag.
Missoni is a high-end Italian fashion house based in Varese, and known for its colorful knitwear designs. The company was founded by Ottavio and Rosita Missoni in 1953.
Thanks to sruzgar for the ID
Is it possible to get the knitting design for the sweater, if someone (maybe me) wants to make one themselves? :)