Your daily double o seven

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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Your daily double o seven

Bond isn't always crashing cars, dodging bullets, saving the world, or servicing the ladies. He does everyday stuff also, just like we all do. So, if we want to be more like Bond, we should also be doing the kind of everyday stuff he does.

james bond coffee

Bond eats breakfast, just like a real person. He's a fanatic for scrambled eggs, or sometimes a single hard boiled egg, black coffee, whole wheat toast with honey, or butter, or jam or marmalade. (Depending on which book you read). He likes ham sandwiches with mustard for lunch. So review the books, and eat like Bond. Not like Bond when he's doing the champagne and caviar act with a double agent femme fatale, but eat what he has when there's nobody around, except maybe May, his old Scottish housekeeper.

Bond eats, and he drinks. Boy does he drink. What besides the "vodka martini shaken not stirred" clichés? He's had Miller Hi-Life Beer, Americanos, Ouzo, Raki, bourbon (lot's of that) vodka and tonic, rum, whiskey, mint juleps, sake, and others. He is an international boozer. So, those of us who like to drink doubles like double o seven have a wide variety of potations to choose from. Just read the books, watch the movies.

james bond cigarBond smokes. (In the books and in some of the movies). He usually keeps his cigarettes in a gun metal case, and more often uses a lighter than not. Two accoutrements that are very easy to acquire, and give some class to your cancer causing habit.

In the area of personal hygiene, Bond seems to like to take very hot, then very cold showers. We can do that, and some of us might not get heart attacks in the process. (That's one way of separating the super spies from the other guys).

In From Russia With Love we see Bond doing morning exercises, pushups, leg lifts, toe touching, and some unspecified "chest and arm" exercises while deep breathing. It's a healthy way to start a "be like Bond" day.

james bond tieDress? Normally the Sea Island White shirt, dark blue tropical worsted suit or slacks, non lace shoes, black knit tie. (He also has the unfortunate tendency to wear what Fleming called "sleeveless shirts," or what we in the USA call short sleeves, with a tie. Unless you are managing a fast food restaurant, that type of Bond dressing you might wish to forego).

Thus, put together the exercise, the diet, the booze, the hygiene practices, and the dress, and even when you're doing mundane things, you can be more like 007.

© 2009 W. Adam Mandelbaum Esq. -

Author of The Born Again Bachelor's Bible - Great tips for divorced or divorcing men
Member Association For Intelligence Officers
Former operative at NSA
Present New York Attorney

All copyrights for products, logos, images etc are held by their respective owners. Bond Lifestyle is not responsible for these articles, please take any queries up with the author.

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