Visiting the Admiral Hotel, a Bond inspired hotel in Milan, Italy
When I had to go to Milan for a mission, I decided to stay at the Admiral Hotel in Milan (visit website). I reached out to my contact in Italy, hotel owner Edward Dell'Orto, a passionate Bond fan who definitely lives the Bond Lifestyle.
Edward Dell'Orto's ancestors are the founders of the Dell'Orto carburettor company, famous for providing carburettors to cars and motorcyles since 1933. In the Admiral Hotel you can visit his famous private collection with spy, sport and carburators memorabilia.
Early October 2014 I arrived at the hotel, which at first sight might not look like a Bond hotel. But when you enter the lobby, immediately you see 007 everywhere: from glass display cases full of collectibles, to film posters on every wall.
I'm greeted by the very kind owner Edward and we enter his office, marked by a large brass number 007.
The office is a combination of M's old office and a toy room: between a vintage office chair and table and official papers there are hundreds of Bond props, toys and books on every shelf and in every corner. This was partly due to Edward being in the middle of a move, forcing him to store an even bigger part of his large collection in his hotel, instead of his house.
Hotel owner and Bond fan Edward Dell'Orto (left) and me in the office which looks more like a Bond collection room
Since we're in Italy, we have a delicious and strong espresso before embarking on a tour of the hotel. In one of the hallways we take a closer look at a display case dedicated to Thunderball, Edward's favorite Bond film. There are some amazing and rare toys in the cabinet. One could spend an hour just looking at the items in this case, for example the Disco Volante scale model is worth a closer inspection.
Further down the hall there are more display cases full of vehicles, including the complete set of the James Bond Car Collection, a SkyFall AgustaWestland helicopter, a Caterpillar 320D L scale model...
... and New Holland W190 Casino Royale Limited Edition model, a personal gift from Fiat (the company that owns New Holland since 1991).
A fine piece of wearable Bond memorabilia is a replica of Tracy's wedding dress (On Her Majesty's Secret Service), made from the same fabric as the original dress, worn by Edward's wife at their wedding.
Make sure to ask Edward to open this door (see photo above) for a Bond Villain-style experience!
A second, underground office is just as full of Bond memorabilia and (remote controlled) model cars, another passion of Edward.
Grown up (?) kids in the second office
The cases near the entrance of the hotel, in the lobby, are home to some of the lifestyle items, including a Philips keyfinder, Casino Royale poker set, Persol and Calvin Klein sunglasses, Minox camera, Philips electric shavers, and much more.
Edward holds a Dell'Orto carburettor, his family's business
After the tour of the hotel, Edward had to leave for a presentation of 'Agente Di Sua Maesta', a new Italian spy book he wrote together with 4 other authors. So it was time for me to visit the hotel room.
After two nights, several espressos and Bond talks with Edward, and exploring the beautiful Milan city center, it was time to say goodbye and drive back north (visiting the GoldenEye Verzasca Dam on the way).
If you are ever visiting Milan, I would recommend staying Admiral Hotel. There's no other hotel in the world with so many Bond collectibles, model cars, gadgets, posters and atmosphere and such a nice and passionate true Bond fan as the owner to guide you through it.
For booking, more information, photos and location, visit the website
If you mention 'Bond Lifestyle' during your booking, you will receive a free drink and upgrade to junior or superior suite!
Photos © Bond Lifestyle / Admiral Hotel
With many thanks to Edward Dell'Orto for his time, generosity and hospitality