ThemePartyPeople once again organise a fan adventure that's not to be missed: "Bonding in the Bahamas" takes you to the Bond locations from Thunderball (1965), Never Say Never Again (1983) and Casino Royale (2006).
Want to spend 5 days in Miami? The Orlebar Brown summer competition that gives you a chance to win a trip to Miami ends on August 31st so this is your last chance to enter!
From June 28th to July 8th 2013, a group of more than 30 Bond fans is led by the expert team of ThemePartyPeople to filming locations in Europe.
The ThemePartyPeople once again organise an exciting new Bond trip, visiting Bond film sites in Istanbul, Munich, Viena, Venice and other locations. James, you’re needed in Istanbul …
ThemePartyPeople has organised another Bond tour to the Bahamas, from May 24th - May 28th 2012. This is your chance to join Operation: Nassau Reloaded.
The 11 day Venice to Paris tour, "Operation:EURO2010- Bond, Bourne and Beyond" came to its conclusion on September 1st with a grand finale reception at the Paris Novotel, France.
Château de Chantilly, France
Both the Château de Chantilly and the Great Stables were featured prominently in the Bond movie A View to a Kill (1985), as the estate of evil Max Zorin (played by Christopher Walken). Max Zorin organises his annual horse sale here and Bond (Roger Moore), together with Sir Godfrey Tibbett (Patrick Macnee), a horse trainer, infiltrate the event.