Eighth annual James Bond Charity Auction

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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Eighth annual James Bond Charity Auction

The Rotary Club of Nanaimo Oceanside is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our Eighth annual JAMES BOND Charity Auction on April 8, 2006 at Beban Park. Every year, this fund-raiser has been a huge success, and regularly sells out. Last year we raised over $40,000.00 net for those less fortunate in, and outside of our community.

As Rotarians, we take immense pride in our ability to make an event of this magnitude come together as a team. It is with the help of many corporate, business and personal donations that this project has come to fruition. This year our movie theme is On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

On April 8, 2006, we will be entertaining some 400 people from our community, with a Live auction, Silent auction, Mystery draws and a Floorshow. Later in the evening there will be dancing to the Powder Blues band. This is an extremely popular event in Nanaimo and regularly sells out because of the fun atmosphere, and the worthy cause of Rotary.

Tables are available at $1,000.00 each and each table seats 10 people. Please contact 250-756-3915 (ITC COMPUTERS) to reserve and purchase your Tables and Tickets.

We are seeking auction items and prizes for this event and would appreciate any donation that you can provide for our evening. All donations will be recognized publicly, to provide advertising for your business. To this end, please feel free to forward any pamphlets to support your donation, which we will display. This is a highly publicized event through posters and media advertising, and has become a signature event for our club. Our goal this year is to surpass previous years, and raise $50,000. With your generous assistance and donation, we are confident we can achieve this goal.

This year, once again, the majority of funds raised will be used to benefit Rotary Community Projects focused on youth. Your donations will go toward building long term facilities and programs that will make a permanent difference in our community.

If you would like to purchase BOND Tickets and a Table or Tables, please contact Shelley Anderson, Tables Sales Co-coordinator at 250-268-2522 (Mobile), 250-756-3915 (Office) and/or if you would like to Contribute Prizes, please contact Claire Pearcy, prize coordinator at 250-619-5869, or any member of Oceanside Rotary for details, or information. Once again, thank you for your generosity and support.

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