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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Solo, by William Boyd

The UK sleeve design of the hardcover version of Solo features 'bullet holes' revealing the red cover of the book
The UK sleeve design of the hardcover version of Solo features 'bullet holes' revealing the red cover of the book
photo © The Random House Group Ltd
photo © Harper
The Solo cover with golden foil stripes against a black background for the USA and Canada.
photo © Harper

photo © The Random House Group Ltd
The Solo cover for the United Kingdom
photo © The Random House Group Ltd

Solo is a new James Bond novel written by William Boyd.

The story takes place in 1969. Having just celebrated his forty-fifth birthday, James Bond is summoned to headquarters to receive an unusual assignment. Zanzarim, a troubled West African nation, is being ravaged by a bitter civil war, and M directs Bond to quash the rebels threatening the established regime.

Bond's arrival in Africa marks the start of a feverish mission to discover the forces behind this brutal war—and he soon realizes the situation is far from straightforward. Piece by piece, Bond uncovers the real cause of the violence in Zanzarim, revealing a twisting conspiracy that extends further than he ever imagined.

The book is available as a hardcover (336 pages), audio book and Kindle edition on and

Read the Solo Launch report and review by Ajay Chowdhury here. If you have read the book, let everyone know what you think of it by leaving a review as a comment below!

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Summer Essentials 2024


I absolutely loved this book however hate that my US copy had deckled edges. This is the first and last book that I buy with deckled pages, I will not justify feathered pages any longer.

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