In the movie Live and Let Die (1973), James Bond (Roger Moore) shaves with a Schick injector razor and Schick shaving cream, in the bathroom of his bungalo (number 12) at The San Moniquan Hotel.
James Bond likes to do certain things the old-fashioned way, including shaving with a 'cut-throat razor' and getting soap from a wooden shaving bowl. In SkyFall (2012) we see Bond using a wooden shaving bowl and brush and razor blade.
A wooden shaving bowl is used to hold shaving soap. With a brush, the soap is then applied to the face before shaving.
In the 1964 movie Goldfinger, we get a close look at Bond's shaving gear. He uses a Gillette slim handle adjustable razor when he is shaving in Goldfinger's plane on the way to America. In the handle of the razor he has hidden the tracking device.
James Bond's razor choice in Die Another Day (2002) is a rechargeable Philips Philishave Sensotec HQ8894 shaver. In North Ameria this shaver is marketed as the Norelco Spectra 8894XL.
Bond uses the shaver in The Rubyeon Royale Hotel in Hong Kong to shave off the beard he has acquired during his 14-month imprisonment in North-Korea.