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Schick Injector Razor and Lather Shaving Cream

James Bond uses a Schick razor and Schick Lather shaving cream in the movie Live And Let Die
James Bond uses a Schick razor and Schick Lather shaving cream in the movie Live And Let Die
photo © United Artists, Danjaq LLC
photo © United Artists, Danjaq LLC
Details of the Schick razor used in Live And Let Die
photo © United Artists, Danjaq LLC

photo © MichaelG
A similar Schick Injector Razor
photo © MichaelG

photo © United Artists, Danjaq LLC
The Schick Lather shaving cream can clearly be seen here.
photo © United Artists, Danjaq LLC

In the movie Live and Let Die (1973), James Bond (Roger Moore) shaves with a Schick injector razor and Schick shaving cream, in the bathroom of his bungalo (number 12) at The San Moniquan Hotel.

The razor seems to be the Type L, which was produced from 1965 to 1980. The handle has a smooth top. Most Schick Injector L models have a ribbed bottom so maybe the one Bond uses has that as well, although it does look like a smooth bottom in the film. The handle is the square shaped handle (a more rounded version also exists).

The exact model is hard to find, there are many similar models with different logo on the razor, or different shape handles, but many Schick razors are offered on eBay.

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The lather shaving cream can is white with a blue Schick logo, red "Lather" text  and a red bar at the bottom. The cream can be seen on the shaving tray with mirror in his bath. A Schick box for the razor can also be spotted in the bathroom next to the large mirror.

The same shaving cream can also be spotted in the last scene, in the train's sleeping compartment of Bond, although in some shots during the fight scene it is not there anymore.

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Summer Essentials 2024


Exclellent website. I am a collector of shaving and grooming products. I have a nice collection now of old shaving razors and classic aftershaves as well as alot of modern product. This scene in LIve and let die had a profoud effect on me as I used to see it when it was re shown on tele at Christmas throughout the 80's as I was growing up, and I've always wondered what razor it was...I also love the aerosol can he uses for some kind of aftershave. Many thanks once again and keep this top website going.

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