Mark Edlitz
Keeping 007 Alive
"Keeping 007 Alive - Conversations with James Bond Continuation Authors" is a new book by writer and filmmaker Mark Edlitz.
Ian Fleming's iconic secret agent, James Bond, has captivated audiences for decades with his martini-dry wit, deadly efficiency, and high-octane adventures. Yet, Fleming's original novels were just the beginning.
James Bond After Fleming: The Continuation Novels
"James Bond After Fleming: The Continuation Novels" is the first book devoted exclusively to the post-Fleming Bonds. Over 50 years of the literary Bond.
The Many Lives of James Bond
The Many Lives of James Bond - How The Creators of 007 Have Decoded The Superspy, by Mark Edlitz offers a collection of original interviews with actors who have played Bond in different media, as well as in-depth interviews with many of the diverse artists who have contributed their talents to the making of James Bond movies, television shows, novels, radio dramas, comic books, and vid