Philips P330, P430 and P5003 computers

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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Philips P330, P430 and P5003 computers

In the movie For Your Eyes Only (1981), several Philips computers are used by MI6. On board the St. Georges spy ship we see a Philips P330 and P5003 computer, and Q's Identigraph machine is actually a Philips P430 computer.

Philips P330
On the spy ship St. Georges, a Philips P330 computer is used by a member of the MI6 crew. The Philips P330 was an office / bookkeeping computer the size of a table, and had an integrated dot-matrix printer, optional harddisk and a cassette drive. The P330 was introduced in 1978 by Philips to update their earlier P300 and P350 models. Despite the improvements the machine was not very successful.

Philips P5003
In the background we can clearly see a prominently placed Philips P5003 computer, with intergrated keyboard and monitor. This computer is smaller than the P330, although in the film only the top part (screen and keyboard) is seen.

ICT 1301
Another computer seen on the St Georges is not a Philips, but an ICT 1301, read more about this computer here.

Philips P430
The Identigraph is a machine invented by Q to identify a person based on the description of the facial features of the person. James Bond (Roger Moore) visits Q (Desmond Llewelyn) to find out the identity of a hitman (who turns out to be Emile Leopold Locque). The machine is actually a Philips P430 computer which is, just like the P330, the size of an office table, with an integrated harddisk, dot-matrix printer (with which the photo of Locque is printed), 12" monitor. Bond watches the progress on a separate Philips screen.

Philips PTS 6271 keyboard Numeric

The ATAC system prop was built using a Philips PTS 6271 Keyboard Numeric as a base. Read more in this Research Article (PDF, page 287-295).


Thanks to Starring The Computer for the ID
Thanks to Tiziano Garuti / for the P5003 photo
Thanks to Pablo Alvarez Doval for the P330 photo
Thanks to Holger Groh for the P430 photo
Thanks to Arne (see comment section below) for the ATAC Keyboard alert

In For Your Eyes Only, another Philips product can be spotted: Milos Columbo uses a Philips LFH 195 Pocket Memo voice recorder to record a conversation between James Bond and Aristotle Kristatos.

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