American Optical AN-6531 sunglasses

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American Optical AN-6531 sunglasses
James Bond's CIA friend Jack Wade wears a pair of American Optical Aviator WWII B&L Ful Vue AN6531 sunglasses in GoldenEye.

James Bond's CIA friend Jack Wade (Joe Don Baker) wears a pair of American Optical Aviator AN-6531 sunglasses in the movie GoldenEye (1995).

The sunglasses are famous for being used by American pilots in World War 2. Appriopriate eyewear for the character Jack Wade, who's a CIA agent, possibly former military, and he pilots a Cessna Sjyhawk plane when he meets James Bond (Pierce Brosnan).

The glasses worn by Jack Wade have a large aviator style frame and thick brow-bar, or 'sweat' bar.

When Jack Wade takes off his glasses, we can also see that the sunglasses have cable temples - the ends of the arms that curl behind/around the ear.

You can still easily find these type of sunglasses on eBay.

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As an alternative you can get the Ray-Ban Outdoorsman model, which has also been spotted in many films.

The character Jack Wade also appears in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and is played by Joe Don Baker, who previously played the villain Brad Whitaker in The Living Daylights (1987).

In the same film Pierce Brosnan as James Bond wears Persol 861 sunglasses and Famke Janssen, in her Ferrari F355 GTS, briefly wears Versace shield sunglasses.


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