In Flemings' novels the basic outfit of James Bond is a dark blue suit of serge or tropical worsted or alpaca, depending on the climate, a heavy white silk shirt and a thin black knitted silk tie, dark blue socks and well-polished black moccasin shoes.
For a visit to the Casino Bond wears a single-breasted dinner jacket, heavy silk shirt, thin double-ended black satin tie.
More informally Bond wears dark blue trousers, a Sea Island cotton shirt (from Turnbull & Asser on Jermyn St, London) in white or dark blue and black casual shoes or sandals. On the golf course he wears Saxone golf shoes and a black windcheater.
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In Flemings' novels the basic outfit of James Bond is a dark blue suit of serge or tropical worsted or alpaca, depending on the climate, a heavy white silk shirt and a thin black knitted silk tie, dark blue socks and well-polished black moccasin shoes.
For a visit to the Casino Bond wears a single-breasted dinner jacket, heavy silk shirt, thin double-ended black satin tie.
More informally Bond wears dark blue trousers, a Sea Island cotton shirt (from Turnbull & Asser on Jermyn St, London) in white or dark blue and black casual shoes or sandals. On the golf course he wears Saxone golf shoes and a black windcheater.