007 Candle by TOCCA
If you think you have it all, you better check this out: a stylish and sophisticated scented candle, inspired by Bond! This special candle from TOCCA has a rich leathery aroma designed to turn your living room into Bond world. The scent is based on the distinctive combination of the interior of an Aston Martin and a dry Martini!
Thanks to Lewis for the alert.
Price: $ 38.00 (10.6 oz)
I love these candles. The scent is masculine and very pleasant. I keep one in my bedroom and I take one with me when trveling. It really sets the tone in a hotel room and makes it your own. A lady will instantly know she is in a man's room when she smells the leather. Highly recommended.
Also, ask Paul K., he'll suggest a candle for the restroom when traveling with a lady. 007
Never actually owned any of these yet but here's a good website to buy them.