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Bond Lifestyle Contest #21 - Guess the final Lotus Esprit auction price

Enter the new Bond Lifestyle contest by guessing the final price of the Lotus Esprit submarine car at the RM Auctions auction which takes place on Monday September 9th 2013 in London.

This contest has ended, scroll down to see the winner!

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Lotus Esprit contest

The submarine car is one of Q's most famous creations and is set to fetch a very high price at the auction. Enter this Bond Lifestyle Contest by guessing the final sale price of the Lotus Esprit Submarine car, Lot 243 at the RM Auctions auction on September 9th. The car is offered without a reserve price (which means it will definitely be sold on that day) and the estimated price is £650,000 - £950,000.

Fill in the amount in British Pounds (GBP) below for your chance to win an original Wild & Wolfe Q-Mug! Enter before Sunday September 8th 2013. The winner will be announced in the week of September 9th. Visit for currency converter.

The contestant who has guessed the exact price, or is the closest to the final price will win the Q-Mug. If more than one person has guessed the correct price, the winner will be chosen at random from this group. You can enter only once. Enter before 11.59pm GMT Saturday 7 September 2013.


In a exciting auction on Monday 9 September, the Lotus Esprit submarine car was sold for £550.000! Almost everyone that entered had guessed a higher price, only 5% of the contestants had guessed a lower amount than £550.000. The average estimated price of all the participants was £976.518.

It was a close call but with £528.000, Sassan Varasteh from Germany was the closest to the final amount and is therefor the winner of the Q-Mug! Congratulations! An honourable mention for the 4 other contestants that were close: Roberta Fenech with £500.000, Tim with £516.000, and both Kyle Hicks and Philipp Ulrich were also very close with their guess of £575.000.

Thanks to all participants and stay tuned for more contests soon!


Connolly x 007